After having completed this course or attained an equivalent competence level, the student:
- Is target-oriented and knows how to work responsibly and ethically in diverse teams.
- Knows how to develop teamwork.
- Knows how to work in a project.
- Knows how to use best practices in project management.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
Is able to describe the concepts of team dynamics and especially responsbility in teamwork. Can describe different methds for project work and implement project tasks.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
Is able to work in a responsible way in a team. Knows how to give and receive both team and peer feedback and assess one’s own performance. Knows how to set goals and act in a project as agreed. Knows how to use project mangement tools in one’s tasks.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
Knows how to assess the issues of ethics, accountability and effectiveness in teamwork. Knows how analyse actions of a team and to develop one’s own performance on the basis of feedback. Is able to work in a project responsibly towards goals and applying the selected working methods and assess the implementation of a project