The student gains practice in independent work and working with company staff and other partners in development projects. The student also gains practice in handling big projects and communicating his/her matter with clarity.
Upon successful completion of the thesis, the student
- is able to identify possible development targets in companies and other organisations.
- knows how to find information on a given topic, and categorise and analyse it.
- knows how to order and read research studies, and news relating to them.
- is able to meet set deadlines and negotiate changes if needed.
- has a command of project work.
- knows how to write a clear report on his or her results, adhering to document standards.
Choice of thesis topic in 5th semester
Thesis and Methods information package and test in Moodle
Preparation of thesis plan in the end of 5th semester or during the first period of the 6th semester
Thesis report and publication in the end of the 6th semester
Participation in group counselling and presentations with the thesis supervisor as agreed
Maturity examination
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Individual counselling
Working papers
Seminars/group counselling
Individual work
Thesis and Methods test in Moodle
Learning materials
Thesis instructions in MyNet
Student agrees on the thesis topic and methodology literature with his or her thesis superviso
Further information
Olli Laintila, Pasila
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The thesis process starts on 5th semester during the work placement by searching a suitable topic. The student studies Thesis and Methods information package in Moodle according to instructions given by Thesis advisor.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The thesis is graded on the scale 1-5. The thesis is assessed by the primary thesis supervisor and another examiner. The Haaga-Helia evaluation criteria are published in MyNet.
The maturity examination is assessed with regards to both content and language as pass/fail.