A thesis in Haaga-Helia's Master studies is a research-based development task. Its’ objective is to demonstrate the ability to apply research data and develop solutions for problems relevant to work in various organisations, as stated in the Government Decree (423/2005, §7):
"The objective of the master’s thesis is to develop and demonstrate the student’s ability to apply research data and use chosen methods to analyse and solve problems arising in professional work. It also demonstrates the student’s readiness and ability for independent, demanding expert work."
The master's thesis includes the following content:
- Making a topic proposal and writing a thesis plan
- Independent development task
- Group and/or individual advising
- Other workshops and seminars
- Reporting and presenting a thesis
- Maturity demonstration
The thesis process is technically divided into three phases each 10 ECTS. Phase 2 includes the following content:
- Finishing the theoretical framework and methodology chapters.
- Executing data collection and analysis and reporting of results and/or development project.
- Presenting the thesis project in the specialization group (F2F presentation in one of the events, video presentation in the specialization Teams forum or other). The presentation will also be delivered to the supervisor for feedback.
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Usually a thesis focuses on a real-life problem in one organisation and on analysing and solving the problem or developing new operational practices or recommendations or an operating model. A thesis can also deal with a more general challenge, but in this case as well, a new practice, recommendation or model must be developed. In both cases, evaluation of the results is an important part of the thesis.
The thesis always includes a review of the existing research knowledge on the subject.
The thesis may consist of either one project or several smaller projects, which are linked to each other. The projects can be implemented in different departments or even different organisations, which enables the continuation of the thesis project should the job or workplace change during the project.
Learning materials
- Instructions for Master’s thesis are available in www.haaga-helia.fi > For student pages > Master students > Master’s thesis
- Research literature applicable to the thesis topic and methods.
- Haaga-Helia's library services offer guidelines and training on information search, see also HHFinna and LibGuides
Starting level and linkage with other courses
Students start to work on their thesis at the beginning of the studies, in the beginning of the second study year at the latest, so that other compulsory and optional courses, which are part of the studies, can be utilised towards it.
Thesis is linked with the compulsory course RDI2HM101 Applied Design Research during which students explore research and development methods and write a thesis plan.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The grade of the thesis is the average of the following six assessment items each evaluated from 0 to 5. Outcomes has double weight.
• Topic and objective: The topic is ordinary and its significance from the perspective of the organisation and / or working life is described thinly. The objective and delimitation are described.
• Theoretical framework: Sources are scarce or not relevant at work. Sources have been used at incidentally. There is little dialogue between sources. Key concepts are defined poorly or not at all. The theoretical framework is poorly described.
• Methodology: Methodological choices are poorly justified. The methods are partly ill-suited to the thesis. The implementation and description of the research and development process is incomplete and illogical.
• Outcomes: The outcomes are poorly presented. The relationship between the outcomes and the goal is narrowly structured. The usefulness and value of the outcomes are insufficiently substantiated. Their connection to the theoretical framework has not been demonstrated.
• Reporting: The structure of the report is partly inconsistent and the content is partly structured in an illogical order. Comprehensibility and readability are partially poor. Reporting guidelines have been poorly followed.
• Thesis Project Management: The student's contribution to independent work has been partly weak. The work has not progressed according to schedule.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The grade of the thesis is the average of the following six assessment items each evaluated from 0 to 5. Outcomes has double weight.
• Topic and objective: The topic is current and its significance is well justified from the perspective of the organisation and / or working life. The objective and delimitation are described largely clearly from the point of view of the organisation and / or working life.
• Theoretical framework: Peer-reviewed and international sources are used. The sources are used principally appropriately and partly critically. There is some dialogue between the sources. Key concepts have been identified and defined. The theoretical framework supports the objective of the work.
• Methodology: Methodological choices are described largely well, but their justification is incomplete. The methods are suitable for the thesis. The research and development process is mainly implemented and described clearly, and its significance in relation to the goal is considered.
• Outcomes: The correspondence of the outcomes to the objectives can be seen. The usefulness and value of the outcomes are justified. Their connection to the theoretical framework is demonstrated.
• Reporting: The structure of the report is somewhat consistent and the content is logically structured. Comprehensibility and readability are at a good level. Reporting guidelines have been followed. The illustrations and tables are made in accordance with the instructions and are related to the subject matter.
• Thesis Project Management: The student has been able to receive guidance and demonstrated the ability to work independently. The work is almost on schedule.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The grade of the thesis is the average of the following six assessment items each evaluated from 0 to 5. Outcomes has double weight.
• Topic and objective: The topic has innovative perspectives. Its significance is justified more generally than only from the perspective of the organisation and / or working life. The objective is described very clearly. The delimitation is justified and described precisely in a way that guides the content and structure of the work.
• Theoretical framework: Relevant, peer-reviewed and international sources are used appropriately, critically and justified in terms of objectives. There is a rich dialogue between the sources. The use of concepts is accurate and justified. The theoretical framework shows knowledge of different views and provides excellent support for the objective.
• Methodology: Methodological choices are well justified and described in detail and critically. The methods are excellent for the thesis. The whole research and development work, its stages and progress, is excellently implemented and described.
• Outcomes: The outcomes fit the objectives in an excellent manner. The value of the outcomes is well considered and justified. The generalizability is considered, and some of the outcomes have wider use. The outcomes have been evaluated commendably in relation to the theoretical framework.
• Reporting: The report forms a balanced whole, in which the importance of the parts is well justified. The report proceeds from step to step in a consistent manner.
• Comprehensibility and readability are at an excellent level. The reporting guidelines have been followed perfectly. The illustrations and tables are made in accordance with the instructions, they are informative and add value to the report.
• Thesis Project Management: The student has demonstrated the ability to adapt to the unexpected challenges during the process as well as the demanding, independent expert work. The work has progressed according to schedule.