No upcoming implementations yet.
This course consists of scheduled online sessions, individual learning, and working in groups
Juha Olava
Whittington, R., Regner, P., Angwin, D., Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Evans, J., . . . Johnson, G. 2020. Exploring strategy: Text and cases. Twelfth edition. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited.
Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B., & Lampel, J. B. 2017. Strategy safari. Strategy Safari: Your Complete Guide Through the Wilds of Strategic Management, Second Edition. Pearson UK.
Burgelman, R. A., Floyd, S. W., Laamanen, T., Mantere, S., Vaara, E. & Whittington, R. 2018. Strategy processes and practices: Dialogues and intersections. Strategic management journal, 39(3), pp. 531-558.
Other learning materials will be assigned during the course.
Pasila Campus
13.01.2025 - 14.03.2025
Learning assignments include individual assignments, group work presentation, and learning diary.
07.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Online sessions will be on
Jan 14 (17:40-20:30), Introduction to strategy
Jan 21 (17:40-20:30), Examining the external business environment
Jan 28 (17:40-20:30), Looking inside the firm
Feb 4 (17:40-20:30), Business strategy and business models
Feb 11 (17:40-20:30), Growth strategies
Feb 18 (no class)
Feb 25 (17:40-20:30), including time for group work assignment
Feb 4 (17:40-20:30), including time for group work assignment
Feb 11 (17:40-20:30), Final presentations
Margit Suurnäkki
31 - 60
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, STROME Degree Programme in Strategising in Organisations, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
0.00 cr
1.00 cr
This one is a self guided virtual course.
-No live meetings.
-No Group work.
-The student can work with the assignments in her/his own time and pace.
The course requires a lot of self guided working. Online support is offered during the course.
Juha Olava
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
Real life cases and experiences can be utilized in the assignments.
Pasila Campus
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
10.02.2025 - 04.04.2025
There are 2 writing assignments and a multiple-choise on this implementation.
02.01.2025 - 07.02.2025
The learning platform (Moodle) is open for the student on the official starting day of the course. The student can then begin the studies immediately
Couple of weeks earlier than this self guided implementation starts an implementation with plenty of online lecturing and teacher contact. If you prefer lecturing and teacher contact instead of self guided studying you should take that other implementation.
Juha Olava
61 - 100
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, MBATUT Degree Programme in Education Management, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
0.00 cr
5.00 cr
This one is a self guided virtual course.
-No live meetings.
-No Group work.
-The student can work with the assignments in her/his own time and pace.
The course requires a lot of self guided working. Online support is offered during the course.
Juha Olava
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
Real life cases and experiences can be utilized in the assignments.
Pasila Campus
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
05.02.2024 - 05.04.2024
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
02.01.2024 - 02.02.2024
The learning platform (Moodle) is open for the student on the official starting day of the course. The student can then begin the studies immediately
Couple of weeks earlier than this self guided implementation starts an implementation with plenty of online lecturing and teacher contact. If you prefer lecturing and teacher contact instead of self guided studying you should take that other implementation.
Juha Olava
61 - 100
Will be presented in the course platform (Moodle).
BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation
0.00 cr
5.00 cr
This is a virtual course. All lectures are recorded.
Juha Olava
Pasila Campus
15.01.2024 - 15.03.2024
There are two assignments that are being assessed: 50 % of the grade comes from individual assignment and 50 % of the grade from group work. Also, there are several smaller assignments that are mandatory to do, but will not be assessed.
01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
Maria Haukka
30 - 110
AVO Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
0.00 cr
5.00 cr