Coaching for the European Sales Competition, 2 cr - SEL8LZ003
Course unit language
Upcoming implementations
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Current implementations
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Past implementations
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Learning objectives
The learning objective of the course is to coach and select the participants to the European Sales Competition. Coaching and the competition provide an opportunity to develop students' sales skills.
The course is based on role plays of how to act in a face-to-face sales meeting.
The solution (product) to be sold is the same as in the European Sales Competition. Topics of the course include:
Getting acquainted to the solution to be sold
Getting prepared to meeting a potential customer
Opening and building rapport and trust
Need identification
Presentation of the solution
Handling objections and concerns
Closing and agreeing on the next steps
In the end of the course a qualifying sales competition will be held. Based on it the representatives of Haaga-Helia will be chosen to the European Sales Competition.
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Contact sessions 24 h
Independent learning 29 h
Assessing own learning 1 h
In the contact sessions the sales process will be gone through step by step and performed in the role plays. Independent learning consists of getting acquainted with the solution and its competitors, and getting prepared for the qualifying competition.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
For international and Globba students the course B2B Sales Skills should be completed.