- The student understands the circular economy's linkages to supply chain management
- The student is able to identify feasible, ethical and resource efficient circular economy solutions
- The students knows principles of collecting, recycling, purchasing circular materials and further processing of
materials (sustainable manufacturing)
- The student is familiar with various environmental impacts of circular economy and monitoring performance and
environmental impacts with use of metrics of circular economy
- Principles of circular economy and role of supply chain management in circular economy
- Collection and recycling process
- Purchasing circular materials and sustainable manufacturing
- Metrics for circular economy
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Learning materials
Course materials in moodle
This course provides an overview how important it is to understand supply chain management in circular economy. Otherwise materials will not circulate and been utilised again instead. This course is useful for all students from various business fields. You then build knowledge of supply chain activities needed in circular economy!
Starting level and linkage with other courses
IBU1LF101 and SCM1LF101 or equivalent courses accomplished.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
- Is familiar with some supply chain processes for circular economy
- Is aware of some metrics for circular economy for monitoring performance
- Needs some help from other team members during team work
Assessment criteria - grade 3
- Develops some supply chain processes for circular economy
- Is able to select some metrics for circular economy for monitoring performance
- Contributes well to team work
Assessment criteria - grade 5
- Develops supply chain processes for circular economy in a holistic way
- Selects critically relevant metrics for circular economy for monitoring performance
- Facilitates team members during team work
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
- Individual assignments, scale 1-5
- Team work. scale 1-5