The module advances the following competences: communication and argumentation, analytical thinking, value creation and customer experience management. It aims at supporting Sales and Service as well as Event Management projects.
• Customer experience
• Marketing communications mix
• Planning and implementation of marketing activities
• Contract and marketing law, data protection and consumer´s rights
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
a) Learning with contact teaching, including:
Inquiry learning
Peer learning
Reading circles
Project work
Individual assignments
Team assignments
Possible company visits and guest lecturers
Assessment of one's own learning
b) Learning by using the work-based learning method "Work&Study" according to a plan that shows how the learning goals of the course can be obtained through the student's work or hobby. More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
c) Demonstration (of earlier skills and knowledge in the course content). More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
Learning materials
Books on the content topics
E-books and online articles
Online tutorials
Industry related reports and statistics
Social networking tools and channels
Instructors’ own materials.
Further information
Teacher: Annika Konttinen
Starting level and linkage with other courses
This module is part of professional studies in Porvoo Campus competence-based curriculum.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student is able to name a few basic concepts and models of marketing communication, and is able to apply them to some extent. The student finds it challenging to identify the needs of a target group and the aims of marketing communication. S/he needs help in choosing marketing channels and producing content for marketing purposes. S/he has challenges assessing the outcomes of marketing communication. The tasks can be completed only when part of a bigger team.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student has a fairly good understanding of the concepts and models of marketing communication. S/he can identify and describe the needs of a target group and the aims of marketing communication to some degree. The student is able to choose relevant marketing channels for the project. The student understands the guidelines for producing content for marketing purposes and is able to apply them into practice rather well. S/he is able to use appropriate tools to analyse the impact of marketing communication. The student participates relatively actively in team work and is also able to work independently at the different stages of the project.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student has an excellent understanding of the concepts and models of marketing communication. S/he can analyse and assess the needs of a target group and the aims of marketing communication on a professional level. The student is able to choose the most appropriate marketing channels for the project. S/he is able to use the guidelines for producing relevant and meaningful content for the chosen target group for marketing purposes. The student is able to choose and use versatile tools to analyse the impact of marketing communication. S/he participates proactively in team work and is able to support other team members when needed as well as work independently at the different stages of the project.