Sales and Service in Business Tourism 1, 5 cr - SAL2RG201
Course unit language
Leena Törmälä
Upcoming implementations
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Learning objectives
The student uses and combines different sales, service and business travel processes to present own models. Student is aware of other views of the knowledge. His/her use of theory and specific terminology is very accurate.
S/he uses findings to compare different sales, service and business travel processes and viewpoints.
The student can collect, analyze and use relevant research findings to create sales, service and business travel guidelines for a client company at a high professional level.
The student can work very professionally with a client company in a team. S/he can fully apply problem identification, analysis and solving to sales, service and business travel projects. S/he can conduct qualitative research in travel management at a highly professional level.
• Development project for a travel company
• Business travel actors, processes and tools
• Selling business travel products and services
• Sales in Action
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Lectures and visits
Group and project work
Own learning assessment
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show the competence with a demonstration and progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Learning materials
Teacher´s material
Claudia Unger, Corporate Travel
Articles (Buying business travel, CWT, Amex GBT, FBTA etc.)
Poynter, James M, 2008. Corporate Travel Management, Education systems.
Sales and Customer Service books
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student can identity, list and combine the main sales, service and business travel processes. With great difficulty and under strict supervision, the student can partly collect, poorly analyze and partly use relevant sales, service and business travel findings to create travel management guidelines for a client company at a beginner’s level. With great difficulty and under strict supervision, the student can partly work with a client company in a team. S/he can poorly apply problem identification, analysis and solving to sales, service and business travel projects. S/he can conduct qualitative research in travel management.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student can describe the relevant sales, service and business travel processes and apply them to new contexts. The student can link the key theoretical concepts to the practical task to present the big picture.
The student can collect, partly analyze and partly use relevant research findings to create sales, service and business travel for a client company at a beginner’s level.
The student can work with a client company in a team. S/he can apply problem identification, analysis and solving to sales, service and business travel projects. S/he can conduct qualitative research in travel management.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student uses and combines different sales, service and business travel processes to present own models. Student is aware of other views of the knowledge. His/her use of theory and specific terminology is very accurate.
S/he uses findings to compare different sales, service and business travel processes and viewpoints.
The student can collect, analyze and use relevant research findings to create sales, service and business travel guidelines for a client company at a high professional level.
The student can work very professionally with a client company in a team. S/he can fully apply problem identification, analysis and solving to sales, service and business travel projects. S/he can conduct qualitative research in travel management at a highly professional level.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Group and project work 60 %
Activity and presence 40 %