Service Design and Branding in Aviation Business, 5 cr - SAL2AB202
Course unit language
Upcoming implementations
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Learning objectives
The student is able to design business processes, services and products successfully. His/her use of theory, methods and specific terminology is excellent. S/he is able to conduct relevant research and collect data to provide solutions that have outstanding value. The student can use branding tools with the desired impact. S/he has an innovative approach and can lead module activities on a highly professional level.
market research and analysis
design thinking for business processes, product development and services
customer experience
professional ICT tools
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Inquiry learning:
Peer-to-peer learning
Online tutorials, lectures and workshops
Company visits
Independent study and teamwork
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show the competence with a demonstration and progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Learning materials
Books on the content topics
E-books and online articles
Online tutorials
Companies’ web-portals
Relevant media, news agencies, quality press, etc.
Social networking tools
Exercises, tests
Instructors’ own materials, materials produced by students.
Further information
The course Service Design and Branding in Aviation Business will be implemented as
Design Sprint during the intensive week 12, 21. - 25.3.2022. at 9 - 16.
An additional group work session is on Tuesday 12.4. at 9 - 11.45.
Final presentations will be held on Thursday 21.4. at 12 - 16.
NOTE! Alternative implementation: Design Sprint in the international Nordplus Ekotek project, week 17 (25. - 29.4.2022)
Contant Liisa Wallenius ( if you are interested. There are 3 places for Haaga-Helia UAS students and the course will be given in Skövde, Sweden.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The module is a part of professional studies in Porvoo Campus competence-based curriculum. The module advances the following competences: product development and service design, design of business processes and customer experience management, knowledge of branding for global markets, effective presentations.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student understands how to design business processes, services and products with customer in mind. S/he can use relevant theory, methods and specific terminology. S/he is able to conduct research and collect data when aided by others. The student can use branding tools with assistance from others.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student is able to design business processes, services and products with customer in mind. His/her use of theory, methods and specific terminology is accurate. S/he is able to conduct market research and collect data to provide solutions. The student can use branding tools independently and in team work.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student is able to design business processes, services and products successfully. His/her use of theory, methods and specific terminology is excellent. S/he is able to conduct relevant research and collect data to provide solutions that have outstanding value. The student can use branding tools with the desired impact. S/he has an innovative approach and can lead module activities on a highly professional level.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Grading 1 -5 or approved/ failed
Individual assignments
Teamwork assignments
Final deliverables
Peer assessment
The self-assessment of one's own learning does not influence the module grade. The self-assessment and students’ feedback to the module will be used for the module development. The feedback is collected via an electronic form.