Office Tools in Sales and Services, 5 cr - SAL1TF001
Course unit language
Upcoming implementations
No upcoming implementations yet.
Current implementations
No ongoing implementations yet.
Past implementations
No past implementations yet.
Learning objectives
After the course, the student
- can use Office Tools effectively both in work and studies. understands the concept of modern sales and knows the role of an IT specialist in sales
- can turn features of IT solutions into customer benefits
- can explain customer-oriented thinking uunderstands the concept of customer experience
- can use Office Tools effectively to support the sales process, for instance
-- produce marketing material
-- produce presentations for customer meetings
Sales and Services (2 ECTS):
What is modern sales
Sales meeting and sales process
IT-specialist in customer interface
Customer insight
Customer experience
Value creation process
Features – benefit – advantages
Sales presentations
- presentation skills, presentation
- sales documents
Office Tools (3 ECTS):
Word processing:
- own template and styles
- different headers and footers
- forms (fields)
- sales documents
- mailing documents
- reports (section break, table of content)
Basics of spread sheet calculation:
- formulas, functions
- charts
- tables, data bases, Pivot tables
Presentation graphics:
- producing a sales presentation
- producing an own template
- using animations
Producing the selected sales material by using Office Tools.
Summarising the sales and service promise by producing such sales material.
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Contact lessons, home assignments, group learning, case, net studies.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a process where prior learning will be assessed in consideration of current studies. Prior learning can be based on prior studies or work experience. If the student wants to pass the course by using RPL, the student has to enroll normally for the course and contact the teacher of the course to start RPL procedure
Learning materials
Provided or informed by your teacher.
Further information
Working life and co-operation with companies:
These examples and home assignments are like they normally are in real companies and customer situations.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
Not any requirements or prior studies.
Not any pre-exam.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The assessment of one’s own learning does not influence the grade. The assignment is the same for all courses/modules and the answers will also be used for course/module development. It is possible to pass the course by different assignments and contact lessons.
Level 1-2 (pass)
- can partly describe the sales process and the role of IT-specialist in sales
- can partly take into account the customer view in providing services
- can differentiate solutions’ features and benefits
- knows all central terms concerning the theme
- knows the principles of the central tools
- can use tools according to the instructions of the teacher
Assessment criteria - grade 3
Level 3-4 (good)
- can describe the sales process and the role of IT specialist in sales
- can take into account the customer in providing Services
- knows the terms of providing value
- can explain customer benefits of IT-solutions
- can use all central tools effectively and in a flexible way
- is active and interested
Assessment criteria - grade 5
Level 5 (excellent)
- can describe the sales process and the role of an IT specialist in sales very well
- can actively suggest solutions for customer needs based on customer understanding and value creation
- can explain IT-solutions’ customer advantages in an excellent way
- knows all the tasks of the field in an excellent way
- can use professionally and independently all the central tools
- wants to find more information and try to develop his/her own professionalism during the studies