Upon completing the course the student will learn
• the Russian Cyrillic alphabet,
• the peculiarities of and importance of proper syllable stress and intonation,
• how to read, pronounce and write basic Russian words and sentences,
• how to understand simple spoken language, basic written messages and instructions,
• basic Russian grammar,
• basic information about themselves in Russian,
• to hold a basic everyday conversation
• basics of Russian pronunciation,
• culture-related concepts,
• greetings and introductions,
• setting up an appointment,
• speaking about themselves, their studies and work
Toteutustavat, näyttö ja opinnollistaminen
Contact hours: 64 hrs (4hrs per week during 2 periods) including the tests.
Independent study: 70 hrs
Self-assessment of learning: 1 hr.
Blum-Gorelova, The Road to Success (course and work books), Facultas, 2017, kpl 1 - 5
Lähtötaso ja sidonnaisuudet muihin opintojaksoihin
Competence level: A1
No prior Russian skills required.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 1
Student sometimes understands simple diverse oral and written messages, and is able to convey those to the recipient.
Speaking and written language skills and/or pronunciation skills are poor.
Student can use the acquired language skills mainly in simple everyday situations.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 3
Student often understands routine oral and written messages, and is able to convey those to the recipient.
Speaking and written language and/or pronunciation is understandable.
Student can use the acquired language skills in simple everyday situations, though those would need to be improved.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 5
Student perfectly understands basic diverse oral and written messages, and is able to convey those to the recipient.
Speaking and written language skills and/or pronunciation skills are very good.
Student can use the acquired language skills with ease in simple everyday situations.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Evaluation is based on written tests and listening comprehension assignment, as well as a demonstration of spoken skills.
Attendance is likely to have influence on the language command, and thus, on the grade.