The aim of this course is for students to better understand and analyse the possibilities of e-business and its position in overall business strategy. The module is a part of basic studies in the Porvoo Campus competence-based curriculum. The module advances competences such as the entrepreneurial and business mindset, awareness of basic processes and operations in organizations and global business mindset.
Part one (5 ECTS): Doing e-business:
• Basic concepts and definitions
• Current trends, future opportunities
• E-commerce business models
• Revenue models
• e-marketing concepts and models
• Online marketing communications
• Laws, regulations, rules, ethics
Part two (5 ECTS): Technical issues and channel strategies:
• Infrastructure and technology
• Building an e-commerce website
• Security and payment
• Measurements and follow-up
• Global business
• Online business performance
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show the competence with a demonstration and progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet.
Learning materials
Most resources provided on the course, but students are encouraged to do the following:
• Online tutorials???
• Companies’ web?portals?
• Relevant media, news agencies, quality press, etc.??
• Social networking tools???
• Exercises, tests
Starting level and linkage with other courses
Upon completion of the course students will have gained good knowledge of the basic functions, dimensions and forms of e-business. The course includes theoretical and practical frameworks for online business models and marketing concepts, online security, ethical issues, online payment options, laws regulation in e-business and the different measurements used in evaluating online performance.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student partly understands and is able to define the concept of e-business terminology and able to explain some examples of e-commerce & revenue models and e-marketing concepts. He/she is poorly able to analyse the operational environment by choosing and using research and development methods as well as digital tools when aided and guided by others. He/she can identify a few stakeholders and networks in both domestic and international markets. The student is able to operate only when the task and instructions are given and when He/she is aided by other students and the supervisors.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student understands and is able to define most concepts of e-business terminology and able to explain examples of e-commerce & revenue models and e-marketing concepts. He/she is able to analyse the operational environment by choosing and using relevant research and development methods as well as digital tools. He/she can identify and analyse the core stakeholders and networks in both domestic and international markets. The student is able to operate when the task and instructions are given.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student understands and is able to define the concept of e-business terminology and able to explain examples of e-commerce & revenue models and e-marketing concepts. He/she is able to analyse the operational environment by choosing and using relevant research and development methods as well as digital tools. He/she has professionally advanced written communication skills and can elaborate on a specific area of business with precise vocabulary. He/she can identify and analyse the core stakeholders and networks in both domestic and international markets. The student is able to operate proactively with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
PART 1 (5 Credits): Concentrates on basic concepts, online business models and strategies behind e-business and e-marketing. Part 1 provides a theoretical foundation to move onto the optional part 2 stage of the course. In part 1 there are 3 assignments:
80% of part 1 weight-2 written assignments:
1) Intro to e-Business & Online Business models
2) e-Marketing & marketing communications
20% of part 1 weight:
3) Virtual presentation on one of the assignments submitted
PART 2 (optional, 5 credits): After completing the part 1, students may continue with part two which is worth an additional 5 credits. Students that complete part 1 and 2 gain a total of 10 credits for the e-Business course. Part 2 concentrates on creating an e-commerce website and concepts in online security, payment and laws and rules that regulate e-business. In part 2 there are 3 assignments:
• E-Commence website (pass/fail)
• Electronic test (80% of part 2 weight): The exam tests understanding of concepts on security & payments, online business performance, web traffic and business global. Electronic
• Presentation/Report for website (20%): Presentation of e-commerce website based on theory from exam