No upcoming implementations yet.
The course is fully virtual and includes no classroom or online sessions. Feedback is given on tasks bi-weekly. The student can advance at their own speed individually.
Course material on Moodle
Pasila Campus
No exams on the course. Quizzes on Moodle at the student's own pace.
19.08.2024 - 16.05.2025
Quizzes and assignments on Moodle. Five assignments with grading 0-5 and two pass/grade assignments. All weighted equally in final grade. All assignments must be completed with passing grade to pass course.
03.06.2024 - 16.08.2024
Course is available to students 19.8.2024-13.5.2025
No alternatives at this time.
Minna-Maari Harmaala, Annika Konttinen
61 - 100
Quizzes and assignments on Moodle. Five assignments with grading 0-5 and two pass/grade assignments. All weighted equally in final grade. All assignments must be completed with passing grade to pass course.
LUJOM Liiketoiminnan uudistamisen ja johtamisen koulutus, BUTEM Degree Programme in Business Technologies, LITEM Liiketoiminnan teknologiat -koulutus, PAKEM Palveluliiketoiminnan johtamisen ja kehittämisen koulutus, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
0.00 cr
5.00 cr
Pasila Campus
21.08.2023 - 17.05.2024
12.06.2023 - 19.04.2024
Minna-Maari Harmaala, Annika Konttinen
61 - 100
LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
0.00 cr
5.00 cr