Butler, David, 2012, Business Devlopment: A Guide to Small Business Strategy. Butterworth & Heineman.
English W. J., Moate, B., 2009, Discovering New Business Opportunities. Allen & Unwin.
Jobber, D., Lancaster, G.,2009, Selling and Sales Management. Pearson.
Reed, W., 2011, Selling For the Long Run. MacGrawHill.
Cron, William L., 2010, Sales management: concepts and cases. Wiley.
Tanner, J., Honeycutt, E.,D. & Erffmeyer, R., C. 2009. Sales Management. Shaping Future Sales Leaders. Wessex. Press.
Gosselin, T, 2007, Practical Negotiating; tools, tactics and techniques, John Wiley & Sons, NJ.
Mayer, Robert, 2006, How to Win Any Negotiation. Career Press, NJ.
E-Materials: Futrell, Charles M. Sales Management. Teamwork, Leadership and Technology
Materials provided by the teachers and students
20.10.2025 - 12.12.2025
Outi Leppälä-Pekkinen, Ari Soinola
15 - 60
ABBA Degree Programme in Aviation Business
0.00 cr
2.50 cr
No ongoing implementations yet.
Butler, David, 2012, Business Devlopment: A Guide to Small Business Strategy. Butterworth & Heineman.
English W. J., Moate, B., 2009, Discovering New Business Opportunities. Allen & Unwin.
Jobber, D., Lancaster, G.,2009, Selling and Sales Management. Pearson.
Reed, W., 2011, Selling For the Long Run. MacGrawHill.
Cron, William L., 2010, Sales management: concepts and cases. Wiley.
Tanner, J., Honeycutt, E.,D. & Erffmeyer, R., C. 2009. Sales Management. Shaping Future Sales Leaders. Wessex. Press.
Gosselin, T, 2007, Practical Negotiating; tools, tactics and techniques, John Wiley & Sons, NJ.
Mayer, Robert, 2006, How to Win Any Negotiation. Career Press, NJ.
E-Materials: Futrell, Charles M. Sales Management. Teamwork, Leadership and Technology
Materials provided by the teachers and students
21.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
Ari Soinola
15 - 60
ABBA Degree Programme in Aviation Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr