Coursera summer programme for Haaga-Helia's IT students, 10 cr - ICT8TN033
Course unit language
Antonius Camara
Upcoming implementations
No upcoming implementations yet.
Current implementations
No ongoing implementations yet.
Past implementations
No past implementations yet.
Learning objectives
This programme will allow you achieve learning outcomes from a broad range of ICT courses from the Coursera platform. Available courses belong to the following categories:
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Data Science
The amount of ECTS credits you can gain during this programme varies from 1 ects to 10 ects, depending on the study objectives you set for yourself.
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Distance learning, Online learning.
Learning materials
Online courses at the Coursera platform.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
This programme offers courses from beginner's to advanced level. Each course contains an own Syllabus where you will find more information about pre-requisites and estimated workload. You should be able to self-assess your current competence level in order to select courses and set your learning goals.