After completing the course, the student knows cloud computing technologies and applications. The student understands the basic mechanism of cloud computing and implementations. The student knows the foundational services and cloud offerings provided by the top tier Public Cloud providers. Student understands the Cloud Computing terminology and the generic Cloud Computing Frameworks used in cloud computing systems and s(he) can choose the suitable cloud computing technologies and offerings for IT the services in businesses.
Topics covered in the course:
* Benefits and challenges of cloud computing
* Most common cloud usage methods: IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, XAAS
Cloud Computing in Enterprise environment
* Cloud implementation / provisioning types: Private, Public, Hybrid Clouds, serverless cloud services
* Virtualisation in cloud computing
* Most common commercial cloud computing services
* Open source cloud computing systems
* Seminar presentations about cloud computing
* Benefits and Economics of Cloud Computing
* Full AWS Academy Cloud Practitioner Certification Preparation Course
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
APL (Accreditation of prior learning):
* Student provides the corresponding valid AWS Certification (Cloud Practitioner)
* Student delivers 30 minutes presentation to other participants of course implementation, on his/her work role relating to cloud computing.
* Student must pass the written final exam of the course to get a grade
Learning materials
Full AWS Academy Cloud Practitioner Certification Preparation Course with access to AWS Digital Certification materials and labs
After completing the course, the student knows cloud computing technologies and applications.
Full AWS Academy Cloud Practitioner Certification Preparation Course with access to AWS Digital Certification materials and labs. At completion of the course students are offered one 50% discount voucher for AWS Cloud Practitioner certification.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
Course prerequisites:
* Student can install and administer Windows or Linux-servers and IP-networks.
* Student should have hands on experience and working knowledge of SME Corporate IT-services
Recommended skills prior attending:
* Cisco RSCCNA 1 version 6.x or later
* Linux operating systems
* Windows server administration
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
Course grade is composed from multiple weighted and evaluated parts according to the following table:
* Labs and AWS Cloud Practitioner: 30%
* Presentation: 20%
* Written Exam: 50%
50 -59 Grade: 1
Assessment criteria - grade 3
Course grade is composed from multiple weighted and evaluated parts according to the following table:
* Labs and AWS Cloud Practitioner: 30%
* Presentation: 20%
* Written Exam: 50%
70 - 79 Grade: 3
Assessment criteria - grade 5
Course grade is composed from multiple weighted and evaluated parts according to the following table:
* Labs and AWS Cloud Practitioner: 30%
* Presentation: 20%
* Written Exam: 50%
90 - 100 Grade: 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Course grade is composed from multiple weighted and evaluated parts according to the following table:
* Labs and AWS Cloud Practitioner: 30%
* Presentation: 20%
* Written Exam: 50%