Full AWS Academy Cloud Operations Certification Preparation Course with access to AWS Digital Certification materials and labs
Pasila Campus
12.01.2026 - 15.05.2026
Pekka Korpi-Tassi
15 - 50
TRATI Tradenomi tietojenkäsittely
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
To participate in Teams meetings and lessons, students need the Teams app and a working camera and microphone on their own device.
AWS Academy Portal.
AWS documentation.
Course Moodle pages.
Full AWS Academy Cloud Operations Certification Preparation Course with access to AWS Digital Certification materials and labs.
AWS Cloud environment for labs and activities. Guest lecturers.
Pasila Campus
Practice Exam, course week 13
Written Moodle exam, course week 15
Failed course exam can be renewed at the beginning of the following period.
13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025
Lab 1 – Using AWS Systems Manager • Use AWS Systems Manager Inventory to verify configurations and permissions. • Use AWS Systems Manager Run Command to execute tasks on multiple servers. • Use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to update application settings or configurations. • Use AWS Systems Manager Session Manager to access the command line on an instance. Lab 2 – Creating Amazon EC2 Instances (Linux) • Launch an Amazon EC2 instance using the management console. • Launch an Amazon EC2 instance using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). Lab 3 – Using Auto Scaling (Linux) • Create a new Amazon Machine Image (AMI) by using the Amazon Command Line Interface (CLI). • Use Auto Scaling to scale up the number of servers available for a specific task when other servers are experiencing a heavy load. Lab 4 – Configuring VPC (Linux) • Create a virtual private cloud (VPC) that contains a private and public subnet, an internet gateway, and a Network Translation (NAT) gateway. • Configure route tables that are associated with a public subnet for internet-bound traffic to be directed to the internet gateway for direct internet access. • Configure route tables that are associated with a private subnet for isolated resources to securely connect to the internet through a NAT gateway. • Launch a bastion host in a public subnet for resource based secured access to the private subnet. • Evaluate the operation of the private subnet's ability to communicate with the internet. Lab 5 – Managing Storage (Linux) • Create and maintain snapshots for Amazon EC2 instances. • Upload files to and download files from Amazon S3. Lab 6 – Monitoring Your Applications and Infrastructure • Use AWS Systems Manager Run Command to install the CloudWatch Agent on Amazon EC2 instances. • Monitor Application Logs using CloudWatch Agent and CloudWatch Logs. • Monitor system metrics using CloudWatch Agent and CloudWatch Metrics. • Create real-time notifications using CloudWatch Events. • Track infrastructure compliance using AWS Config. Lab 7 – Managing Resources (Linux/Windows) • Apply tags to existing AWS resources. • Find resources based on tags. • Use the AWS CLI or AWS SDK for PHP to stop and terminate Amazon EC2 instances based on certain attributes of the resource. Lab 8 – Automating Deployments with AWS CloudFormation • Deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack with a defined Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, and Security Group. • Configure an AWS CloudFormation stack with resources, such as an Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3) bucket and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). • Terminate an AWS CloudFormation and its respective resources. Activity 1: Install AWS CLI with IAM challenge • Install and configure the AWS CLI. • Connect the AWS CLI to an AWS account. • Access IAM by using the AWS CLI. Activity 2: Create Static Website for Mom & Pop Cafe on S3 • Run AWS CLI commands that use IAM and Amazon S3 services. • Deploy a static website to an S3 bucket. • Create a script that uses the AWS CLI to copy files in a local directory to Amazon S3. Activity 3: Deploy a LAMP Instance • Launch an Amazon EC2 instance using the AWS CLI. Troubleshoot AWS CLI commands and Amazon EC2 service settings. Activity 4: Route53 with GeoRouting • Configure a Route 53 health check that sends emails when the health of an HTTP endpoint turns healthy. • Configure failover routing in Amazon Route 53. Activity 5: Lambda function for Mom & Pop Cafe emails latest data • Recognize necessary IAM policy permissions to enable a Lambda function to other AWS resources. • Create a Lambda layer to satisfy an external library dependency. • Deploy and test a Lambda function that is triggered based on a schedule and that invokes another function. • Use CloudWatch logs to troubleshoot the execution of a Lambda function. Activity 6: Migrate Mom & Pop Cafe from MySQL on instance to RDS • Create an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) • MariaDB instance using the AWS Command Line • Interface (CLI). • Migrate data from a local MariaDB database to an Amazon RDS MariaDB database. • Monitor an Amazon RDS instance using Amazon CloudWatch metrics. Activity 7: Troubleshooting a VPC • Identify VPC configuration issues. • Troubleshoot VPC configuration issues. • Enable VPC Flow Logs. • Analyze VPC Flow Logs using grep. Activity 8: Create a Backup Schedule with Snapshots and Migrate S3 Data to Glacier • Use s3api and s3 CLI commands to create and configure an Amazon S3 bucket. • Configure an Amazon S3 bucket for file sharing with an external user. • Secure an Amazon S3 bucket for different access requirements using S3 permissions. • Configure event notification on an Amazon S3 bucket. Activity 9: Trigger a CloudWatch Alarm, Enable CloudTrail, and Track Activity • Configure an AWS CloudTrail. • Analyze CloudTrail logs using a variety of methods to discover relevant information. • Import AWS CloudTrail log data into Amazon Athena. • Run queries in Amazon Athena to filter AWS CloudTrail log entries. • Resolve security concerns within the AWS account and on an EC2 Linux instance. Activity 10: Creating AMIs and Launching EC2 Templates • Optimize an Amazon EC2 instance to reduce costs. Use the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator to estimate AWS service costs. Activity 11: Troubleshooting CloudFormation Deployments Group Work For the group work(s) students forms groups, max four persons. Each of these groups can pick a presentation topic from the given list. The selection of topic and the groups are formed in the beginning of the course. You have to attend the first lecture! During the lecture hours each group gives 20-25 minutes slide presentation from the selected topic. Each group peer reviews at least one another groups’ presentation. Note! All the group members must be present during their presentations. The presentation forms 20% of the course grade! The presentations are recorded and presentation slides should be submitted to Moodle before the presentation. Note! Include all the names of your group members with slide set!
02.01.2025 - 10.01.2025
Course Schedule, Spring 2025
Course weeks:
I: (week 1) - Introduction to Course and Review of Cloud Foundational Technologies, Group formation, Presentation Topics, Course Tasks, Schedule and Grading, (Module 0).
II: (week 2) – Understanding System Operations on AWS, (Module:1).
III: (week 3) – Tooling and Automation, (Module: 2).
IV: (week 4) – Computing Servers, (Module 3).
V: (week 5) – Computing, Scaling, and Name Resolution, (Module 4).
VI: (week 6) – Computing, containers, and Serverless, (Module 5).
VII: (week 7) – Computing Database Service, (Module 6).
VIII: (week 8) – Networking, (Module 7).
IX: (week 9) – Storing and Archiving, (Module 8).
X: (week 10) – Monitoring and Security, (Module 9).
XI: (week 11) – Managing Resource Consumption, (Module 10).
XII: (week 12) – Creating Automated and Repeatable Deployments, (Module 11).
XIII: (week 13) – Practice Exam.
XIV: (week 14) – Course summary and written exam hints.
XV: (week 15- Written exam, Moodle (3 hours)
XVI: (week 16) - Course feedback.
Olavi Korhonen
15 - 50
Course Grading:
Labs and AWS Cloud Operations: 30%
Presentation: 20%
Written Exam: 50%
< 50% Grade: 0
50 -59 Grade: 1
60 - 69 Grade: 2
70 - 79 Grade: 3
80 -89 Grade: 4
90 - 100 Grade: 5
TRATI Tradenomi tietojenkäsittely
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
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