Operating an International Business, 10 cr - GLO4LH102
Course unit language
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Learning objectives
During the course students will learn to conduct a go-to-market plan for an SME. While doing this, students will develop their skills to critically evaluate alternative options and justify decisions. In addition, working with a client company will enhance the skills to understand the client needs and respond to their feedback; as well as communication and reporting.
This is the second project module of Global Markets and Trade specialization. The students will work and learn in a real-life assignment on the internationalization efforts of an SME. The project will be tailored for the needs of the client company but the key elements are relatively constant:
- Go-to-market planning
- Business model and maturity analysis
- Risk identification
- Distribution channel portfolio decisions
- Partner screening, qualifying and contacting
The module requires strong and goal-oriented commitment on behalf of the student to team work and the contact sessions in the module. The grade will be based partly on the output and the value of the project deliverables to the client company (50%) and partly on the students own commitment, activity and demonstrated professional attitude (50%).
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Students will work in teams to implement a real life client project related to the internationalization efforts of an SME as part of this module. Students are expected to assume entrepreneurial responsibility for the client projects from start to finish. Teachers will act as coaches in the student's learning processes.
As an alternative, a student can choose two courses from the Degree Programme in International Business offering, namely, 'Strategic Sourcing' 5cr and 'Developing SCM' 5cr.
RPL: If the student has acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, she/he can show the competence with a demonstration and progress faster through the studies.
Learning materials
Strong focus is placed on the student’s ability to search for relevant material. Other materials will be announced by the teachers.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
This module is part of the Specialisation Studies, Global Markets and Trade.
Before taking this module, the student has successfully completed the basic modules 1-6 and core module ‘The foundations of growing a global business’ GLO3LH101.
It is also recommended that the student has completed the first project module ‘Planning an international business’ GLO4LH101.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
• The student can build an elementary go-to-market plan with some practical and new content for the client.
• The student takes partial responsibility for the client project including some communication with the client and reporting to the client.
• The student can use some project management tools and follow the given schedule.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
• The student can build a practical go-to-market plan based on various analysis, research and screening. The plan includes justified recommendations with practical and value adding content for the client.
• The student takes responsibility for the client project including communication, alterations to the project based on client demands, incorporating client needs in the project and reporting to the client
• The student can use project management tools to keep the project on schedule
Assessment criteria - grade 5
• A student can build an executable go-to-market plan based on extensive analysis, research and screening. The plan includes well justified recommendations with practical and value adding content for the client.
• The student takes full responsibility and active role in the client project including communication with the client, alterations to the project based on client demands, incorporating client needs in the project and reporting to the client.
• The student can proficiently apply project management tools and skills to keep the project on schedule and on target.