Basics of Supply Chain Management, 5 cr - GLO3LH101B
Course unit language
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Learning objectives
The course enables students to gain competence and skills to analyse and manage global supply chains focusing on global logistics related to product or service procurement and delivery.
A wide variety of supply chain topics are covered during the course. These include concepts such as:
- Supply chain as an entity incl. its characteristics, supply chain as a process
- Sourcing, procurement and purchasing
- Physical distribution (incl. warehousing and transportation), channel decisions and reverse logistics
- Logistics costs
- Outsourcing, risk management, service levels
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
As an alternative, the student can choose the course SCM1LF101 'Basics of Supply Chain Management' 5cr from the Degree Programme in International Business.
RPL: If the student has acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, she/he can show the competence with a demonstration and progress faster through the studies.
Learning materials
The learning materials to be announced in the implementation plan.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
This course is part of the core module of specialization in Global Markets and Trade. The Module includes three components and the the other ones are: 'International competitive strategy' and 'Frameworks and structures in global trade'.
It is recommended that the student has successfully completed the Basic Studies.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
• The student knows some key elements of international supply chain management
• The student has some understanding of the role of modern supply chain management (SCM) in creating competitive advantage
• The student knows some basic SCM concepts which will helps in communication with the internal and external stakeholders.
• The student knows some tools to develop the sourcing and logistics functions.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
• The student understands the key elements of international supply chain management on theoretical level.
• The student understands the role of modern supply chain management (SCM) in creating competitive advantage to a firm from the financial, customer service as well as ethical and environmental perspective.
• The student knows the basic SCM concepts which will helps in communication with the internal and external stakeholders.
• The student knows the tools to develop the sourcing and logistics functions.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
• The student fully understands the key elements of international supply chain management.
• The student fully understands the role of modern supply chain management (SCM) in creating competitive advantage to a firm from the financial, customer service as well as ethical and environmental perspective.
• The student skilfully masters the basic SCM concepts which will helps in communication with the internal and external stakeholders.
• The student knows how to apply various tools to develop the sourcing and logistics functions.