Students develop their communication and culture skills for working in English in multicultural business environments.
The studies represent the B2 level of the Common European Framework in business English skills.
Contact classes with quizzes, assignments and independent studies
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Project counseling and contact lessons. Class-based learning and presentation of the M5 team project, assignments, and independent work.
If the student has obtained the relevant knowledge and skills elsewhere, for example at work, s/he can demonstrate the knowledge and skills through the RPL process.
Tämä opintojakso on mahdollista ahotoida liiketalouden yleisinä näyttöpäivinä. Mikäli jo hallitset opintojakson tavoitteissa mainitut asiat, voit osoittaa osaamisesi näyttöpäivässä. Silloin sinun ei tarvitse osallistua opintojakson toteutukselle, vaan näytät osaamisesi ennakkotehtävillä ja näyttöpäivään osallistumalla. Älä siis ilmoittaudu toteutukselle MyNetissä.
Lisätietoa opintojakson ahotoinnista ja linkki näyttöpäivän ilmoittautumiseen löytyy Moodlesta. Siellä ovat myös kaikki näyttöön liittyvät ohjeet. Opettajaan ei tarvitse olla etukäteen yhteydessä. Vastuuopettaja Teija Schalin.
(Kirjoita etusivun Etsi kursseja -hakuun Liiketalouden näytöt. Kirjaudu alustalle kurssiavaimella: näyttö.)
Learning materials
Will be given in Moodle
Further information
Communication and Culture (GLO1LH101B) is part of Growing Global module. The module includes following parts:
Globalization and internationalization GLO1LH101A 5 cr
Communication and culture GLO1LH101B 5 cr
Language skills 5 cr (second foreign language; completed separately from parts A and B)
Starting level and linkage with other courses
B-part of basic studies module 5 Growing Global. The A-part is Globalization and Internationalization
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
• copes in English in the most typical work and business-related communication situations.
• is aware of the general significance of linguistic and stylistic appropriateness in different types of business communication in English.
• is familiar with the role of English as a global business language.
• knows the basic cultural dimensions affecting international business.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
• copes well in English in typical work and business-related communication situations and in more informal work situations.
• is aware of the significance of linguistic and stylistic appropriateness in different types of business communication in English and has a basic conception of the use of language and communication services.
• is familiar with the role of English as a global business language and the underlying linguistic and cultural implications.
• has a general understanding of cultural dimensions affecting business and basic skills to work in a multicultural business environment.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
• communicates successfully in English in most work and business-related communication situations and in more informal work situations.
• knows the significance of linguistic and stylistic appropriateness in different types of business communication in English and knows how to access language and communication services.
• is familiar with the role of English as a global business language and is able to analyze the underlying linguistic and cultural implications.
• has a solid understanding of cultural dimensions affecting business and possesses the central skills to work in a multicultural business environment.