Globalization and Internationalization, 5 cr - GLO1LH101A
Course unit language
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Learning objectives
Students become familiar with the globalization of firms. They obtain skills for planning the internationalization of companies.
Drivers for Globalization
Value chains & networks
Theories of internationalization
International trade
Development of international competitiveness
Market Research & Market entry modes
Team project
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Project counseling and contact lessons. Class-based learning and team project, assignments, and independent work.
If the student has obtained the relevant knowledge and skills elsewhere, for example at work, s/he can demonstrate the knowledge and skills through the RPL process.
Tämä opintojakso on mahdollista ahotoida liiketalouden yleisinä näyttöpäivinä. Mikäli jo hallitset opintojakson tavoitteissa mainitut asiat, voit osoittaa osaamisesi näyttöpäivässä. Silloin sinun ei tarvitse osallistua opintojakson toteutukselle, vaan näytät osaamisesi ennakkotehtävillä ja näyttöpäivään osallistumalla. Älä siis ilmoittaudu toteutukselle MyNetissä.
Lisätietoa opintojakson ahotoinnista ja linkki näyttöpäivän ilmoittautumiseen löytyy Moodlesta. Siellä ovat myös kaikki näyttöön liittyvät ohjeet. Opettajaan ei tarvitse olla etukäteen yhteydessä.
(Kirjoita etusivun Etsi kursseja -hakuun Liiketalouden näytöt. Kirjaudu alustalle kurssiavaimella: näyttö.)
Learning materials
Hollensen, S. Global Marketing, newest edition, parts I, II & III
Any International business textbook published after 2013:
- Wall, S., Minocha, S. and Rees, B. 2016 International Business
- Wild, J.J. and Wild, K.L. 2016 International Business, The Challenges of Globalization.
Further information
Globalization and internationalization (GLO1LH101A) is part of Growing Global module. The module includes following parts:
Globalization and internationalization GLO1LH101A 5 cr
Communication and culture GLO1LH101B 5 cr
Language skills 5 cr (second foreign language; completed separately from parts A and B)
Starting level and linkage with other courses
A-part of basic studies module 5 Growing Global. The B-part is Communication and Culture.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
• knows the basic drivers and effects of globalization for firms and is able to identify some of the opportunities and challenges the international business environment poses.
• has a rudimentary knowledge of operation modes in global markets.
• knows the basic principles of internationalizing a firm’s value chain and utilizing value networks.
• is able to analyze a SME firm's value chain activity and relate it to a theory or model.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
• knows the different drivers and effects of globalization for firms and is able to analyze the opportunities and challenges the international business environment poses.
• has a good knowledge of various operation modes in global markets.
• is familiar with internationalizing a firm’s value chain and utilizing value networks.
• is able to participate as part of a team in analyzing the target market and drawing up a basic internationalization plan for a value chain activity of a firm.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
• is able to identify the different drivers and effects of globalization for firms and to analyze the relevant opportunities and challenges the international business environment poses.
• has a solid knowledge of various operation modes in global markets.
• has an analytical comprehension of how to internationalize a firm’s value chain and utilize value networks.
• is able to analyze the target market by choosing relevant information and draw up a well justified internationalization plan for a value chain activity of a firm.
• is an excellent team player enabling efficient project working