After the courses German for Beginners 1 and 2 the student has reached a solid grasp of basic German grammar. Students are prepared for the compulsory German courses in the Degree Programme for Multilingual Management Assistants/Business Service Solutions and Languages.
German grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, everyday and business conversation practice, as well as key aspects of German grammar, everyday and business vocabulary.
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Contact hours,
Independent study,
Written exams,
Self-assessment of learning 1 h.
Learning materials
Paul Goggle & Heiner Schenke: Willkommen! A first course in German (Course Book). Hodder education. 3rd edition.
& lecturer’s handouts.
Further information
Starting level and linkage with other courses
No German language skills required.
Competence level A1.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student sometimes understands simple and diverse oral and written messages and is able to forward some of them to the recipient. His/ Her speaking and writing language structures and/or pronunciation are poor, but the student can use learned new items in simple language use situations.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student often understands simple and diverse oral and written messages and is able to forward them to the recipient. His/ Her speaking and writing language structures and/or pronunciation are good and the student is often able to use learned new items in familiar, diverse language use situations.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student usually understands simple and diverse oral and written messages and is able to forward them successfully to the recipient. His/ Her speaking and writing language structures and/or pronunciation are very good and the student can use learned new items in new, diverse language use situations.