Business Finnish for International Students, 4 op - FIN8LE110
Opintojakson kieli
Sanna Kukkonen
Tulevat toteutukset
Ei vielä toteutuksia julkaistu.
Käynnissä olevat toteutukset
Ei käynnissä olevia toteutuksia.
Päättyneet toteutukset
Ei päättyneitä toteutuksia.
Upon completion of the course, the student
has a basic knowledge of the financial vocabulary in everyday life
is able to communicate in Finnish in basic business situations
acquires the skills to produce clear and logical texts on simple business matters
is able to write basic business letters and PR letters in Finnish
is familiar with current topics in the business field through (simplified) newspaper articles and other up-to-date sources
Plural forms of nouns
Grammar: comparison of adjectives, some non-finite clauses
Basic business correspondence
Getting acquainted with current topics by using newspapers and other media
Toteutustavat, näyttö ja opinnollistaminen
Weekly online assignments, online exam.
Material provided by teacher.
Lähtötaso ja sidonnaisuudet muihin opintojaksoihin
B1 level in Finnish.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 1
The student understands the main points of business-related texts in both the written and oral form. The student has a satisfactory command of business vocabulary, and he/she is able to produce business or PR texts in Finnish with several corrections, when assisted substantially.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 3
The student understands the essential parts of business-related texts in both the written and oral form. The student has a fairly good command of business vocabulary, and he/she is able to produce business or PR texts in Finnish when assisted.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 5
The student understands well the essential parts of business-related texts in both the written and oral form. The student has a very good command of business vocabulary, and he/she is able to produce business or PR texts in Finnish independently.