Future Megatrends and Vocational Competencies, 5 cr - FIE8LH105
Course unit language
Jani Siirilä
Upcoming implementations
No upcoming implementations yet.
Current implementations
No ongoing implementations yet.
Past implementations
No past implementations yet.
Learning objectives
Explain and understand the meaning of future megatrends
Understand and analyze the change in labour market and society (transition from industrial to post-industrial age)
Understand and discuss about the future work and competences needed
Explain and reason the importance of self-development to be elastic and able to follow new trends and changes
Explain, reason and apply the 21st century skills: collaboration, communication, creativity, complex problem-solving and critical thinking
1. Introduction to future megatrends
2. Transition from industrial to post-industrial age
3. Future of work from the point of megatrends
4. Future narratives and PechaKucha
5. Future narratives: presentations
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Student will study course independently in Moodle. Most of the course material will be in English. Assignments and project work can be written both in Finnish or English.
Learning materials
Course material will be available in Moodle
What will the 2020s look like? What trends will have the biggest impact on our future? A megatrend is a general direction of development consisting of various phenomena and entailing widespread change. It will shape the future vocational competences needed in work life. Therefore 21st century skills are essential for the future of work.
Further information
This course was piloted as a part of SuFi-project with international cooperation together with partners from Åland, Estonia and Liethuania. The project was funded by EU Interreg Central Baltic funds.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
Starting level: none.
Linkage with other courses:
FIE8LH103 Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 5 cr and
FIE8LH104 Sustainable Finance, 5 cr
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
You know the key concepts of future megatrends, vocational competences and 21st century skills within the course’s scope, but are yet to develop the general view and the big picture of the subject matter.
You can complete given tasks, such as Pecha Kucha presentation and assignments with assistance. You need to develop how to apply knowledge.
You demonstrate some ability to perform skills and have basic knowledge, but you have difficulty to manage without assistance.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
You know the key concepts of future megatrends, vocational competences and 21st century skills and can explain transition from industrial to post-industrial age. You have a general view of the subject matter.
You complete given tasks such as Pecha Kucha presentation and assignments independently. You can reflect your own practice and identify ways to improve.
You demonstrate sufficient ability to perform skills and have basic to good knowledge. You can perform independently, but you have some challenges in passing on your skills and knowledge to others. You have an interest in continuous development.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
You have a strong command of the key and related concepts of future megatrends,
vocational competences and 21st century skills. You can critically evaluate theories and reflect transition from industrial to post-industrial age. You can demonstrate explicit knowledge of the subject matter, and how it relates to personal vocational development.
You apply knowledge in demanding Pecha Kucha presentation and advanced assignments. You can prioritize and critically select framework and methods for solving complex problems in the subject matter.
You execute skills with natural proficiency and you have detailed and explicit knowledge. You can perform independently and you are also able and actively willing to help others develop and pass on your skills. You have an attitude of continuous development.