Global Opportunities for Growth, 5 cr - ENT013AS2AE
Course unit language
Olli Laintila
Upcoming implementations
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Learning objectives
After completion of this course or the equivalent assessment of prior learning, the student will be able to:
• recognize, analyse and develop international business opportunities for a small company
• analyze foreign markets and apply acquired knowledge in the planning and decision-making
• apply applicable sustainability goals when developing the global business opportunity
• work with an SME, respond to their needs and feedback. Take command over project communication, reporting and project management.
International business opportunity recognition
Concrete market data analyses and innovative new market entry planning
Potential customer and partner identification and lead classification
Working in the role of a consultant
Execution methods
Contact / Blended
Recognizing prior learning: If the student has obtained the skills and knowledge matching the learning goals of the course elsewhere, for example at work, s/he can show the knowledge and skills through a demonstration. Please contact the responsible teacher. More information about this:
Welcome to the "Global opportunities for growth" course. In this course, you'll have an opportunity to work on in-depth commissioned company project. You will work in close collaboration with an SME in supporting their international growth aspirations. You'll gain valuable experience on acting according to the needs of an entrepreneur and providing them a recommended solution based on information gathering, analyses and conclusions. This learning journey will be a hands-on-project and require hard-working attitude . However, you will be supported by the teachers who will mentor and coach you throughout the project.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
Student finds it challenging to recognize international opportunities and with support is able to acquire and make use of relevant information supporting new market entry decisions.
Student finds it challenging to work according to the commissioner company brief.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
Student recognizes international opportunities and is able to acquire and make use of relevant information supporting new market entry decisions and actions. Student is able to plan and execute the project according to the company brief.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
Student demonstrates professional skills and output when recognizing international opportunities and is able to skillfully acquire and make use of relevant information supporting new market entry. Student takes excellent command over the commissioned project and is able to deliver recommended solution with good justification based on the brief.