English Writing Course on the Web, 3 cr - ENG8LH103
Course unit language
Upcoming implementations
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Current implementations
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Past implementations
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Learning objectives
The course is aimed at those who wish to improve their written expression in business English.
Producing English text related to business life, such as writing summaries and reports.
Receiving feedback on texts and learning how to edit them linguistically and stylistically.
Learning to use dictionaries, other tools and source materials.
Written assignments, including feedback and editing, and grammar and vocabulary tasks.
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Independent web-based studies.
Learning materials
To be announced at the beginning of the course; distributed via Moodle.
Further information
No contact lessons, no exam.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The course corresponds to the B2 level of the Common European Framework.
Recommended prior studies: the Growing Global module (or comparable).
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student understands the most central grammatical rules of English and can apply them to his/her writing. S/he knows the basics of looking up advice for idiomatic expressions. S/he has a general understanding of the importance of textual consistency and accuracy. S/he can build basic structurally correct sentences in English and produce matter-of-fact text with some assistance.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student knows the central grammatical rules of English and can apply them to his/her writing. S/he knows how to look up advice for idiomatic expressions. S/he has a good understanding of the importance of textual consistency and accuracy. Generally, s/he can build structurally correct sentences in English and produce matter-of-fact text independently.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student has a command of a wide range of grammatical rules of English. S/he can apply them to his/her writing without problems. S/he is skilled in looking up advice for idiomatic expressions if the need arises. S/he has a thorough understanding of the importance of textual consistency and accuracy. S/he can build structurally correct sentences in English and produce matter-of-fact text independently and creatively.