After completing the course, the student will have the basic knowledge and skills in business English used at work.
• Basics of business English
• Spoken business English (holding oral presentations, telephone English, small talk, customer service)
• Written business English (short messages)
• Grammatical correctness in English business communication
• Cultural differences in English communication (short presentation)
• Europass CV, job applications
• Study program specific terminology and work situations
The course corresponds to the B2 level of the Common European Framework.
Toteutustavat, näyttö ja opinnollistaminen
The course is an online course with no contact lessons, altogether 81 h of workload for the student.
Completing the course requires a willingness to acquaint oneself with the use of, for example, Moodle learning platform and ConnectPro.
Stansfield, L., Eerola, T., Munne, J. 2009. Win Win: English for your Business Career. 1st edition (or later). Edita. Helsinki.
Lähtötaso ja sidonnaisuudet muihin opintojaksoihin
It is recommended that the student should have received a passing grade in the English skills test if the student's study program arranged one at the beginning of the studies or s/he has completed a remedial course of English, for example, English Brush-up.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Active participation in eg online discussions