The course consists of 6 modules (date of the module in question in brackets)
1. Introduction
2. Stakeholder management
3. Issue prioritization
4. Expectation management
5. Crisis Response Strategies and media practices
6. Preparing and Planning and Crisis Leadership
+ Guest Lecture and Crisis Simulation
For each module there is an introductory lecture in Pasila followed by individual assignment / exam where student applies modular theme to their chosen organization / brand.
At the end of the course, a crisis simulation exercise will take place in case there are at least 12 participants.
Hanna Rajalahti
Learning materials are published during the course. In addition, students must independently search for information about their chosen organizations / industries and crisis cases.
Current cases and/or cases are discussed and analyzed and in assignments, students are encouraged to analyse cases relevant to own work / industry. Possibly guest lecturers/ visits.
Pasila Campus
No re-exam is available for the course.
The course grade is based on the points accrued from the exam and assignments returned by the final DL, according to the evaluation criteria. After this, possible supplementing or improving the grade takes place in accordance with the degree regulations.
Note! You will not receive feedback on assignments returned late and they will be evaluated according to the teachers' schedule. Repeated delays can also affect the course grade, because a grade of 5 requires that "The student stays on schedule."
Learning material is international
24.03.2025 - 16.05.2025
Note! Some small changes might take place and 1-2 assignments will be done during worskhops together Assignment 1 (Individual) Exam 0-10 points Assignment 2 (individual OR group) Stakeholder Analysis 0-10 points Assignment 3 (Individual) Issue Prioritization 0/15 points Assignment 4 (Individual) Expectational Gaps 0-10 points Assignment 5 (Individual) Crisis Response Strategies 0-15 points Assignment 6A (Individual) Crisis Communication Readiness 0-15 points OR Assignment 6B (Individual) Organisation's Trust and Credibility 0-15 points Assignment 7 A (Individual) Crisis Communications Plan 0-25 points OR Assignment 7 B Crisis Simulation + Reflection 0-25 points
02.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
See Lukkarikone.
Detailed instructions and pre-requisites for RPL process will be shared in the course kick off.
As a principle, if students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can present their competence via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
Eeva Puhakainen, Mirka Sunimento
31 - 50
See assignments. When the implementation type of the course is contact, online or blended it is required that the student is present during those teaching hours that are marked in the study schedule. If you are absent more than 25%, your grade will be lowered by one. If you are absent more than 50%, the course is failed.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr
No ongoing implementations yet.
Participation: Its is possible to complete the course completely independently with the help of online materials and assignments but attendance to lectures is highly recommended
The course consists of 6 modules (date of the module in question in brackets)
1. Introduction (26.03)
2. Stakeholder management (02.04 in Zoom)ยด
3. Issue prioritization (16.04)
4. Expectation management (16.04)
5. Crisis Response Strategies and media practices (23.04)
6. Planning and Crisis Leadership (07.05)
+ Guest Lecture on Case studies 09.04 and Crisis Simulation on 14.05
For each module there is an introductory lecture in Pasila (02.04 in Zoom), followed by individual assignment where student applies modular theme to their chosen organization / brand.
At the end of the course, a crisis simulation exercise will take place in case there are at least 12 participants.
Hanna Rajalahti
Learning materials are published during the course. In addition, students must independently search for information about their chosen organizations / industries and crisis cases.
Current cases and/or cases are discussed and analyzed and in assignments, students are encouraged to analyse cases relevant to own work / industry. Possibly guest lecturers/ visits.
Pasila Campus
No re-exam is available for the course.
The course grade is based on the points accrued from the exam and assignments returned by the final DL, according to the evaluation criteria. After this, possible supplementing or improving the grade takes place in accordance with the degree regulations.
Note! You will not receive feedback on assignments returned late and they will be evaluated according to the teachers' schedule. Repeated delays can also affect the course grade, because a grade of 5 requires that "The student stays on schedule."
Learning material is international
25.03.2024 - 17.05.2024
Assignment 1 (Individual) Exam 0-10 points Assignment 2 (individual OR group) Stakeholder Analysis 0-10 points Assignment 3 (Individual) Issue Prioritization 0/15 points Assignment 4 (Individual) Expectational Gaps 0-10 points Assignment 5 (Individual) Crisis Response Strategies 0-15 points Assignment 6A (Individual) Crisis Communication Readiness 0-15 points OR Assignment 6B (Individual) Organisation's Trust and Credibility 0-15 points Assignment 7 A (Individual) Crisis Communications Plan 0-25 points OR Assignment 7 B Crisis Simulation + Reflection 0-25 points
02.01.2024 - 22.03.2024
See Lukkarikone.
Detailed instructions and pre-requisites for RPL process will be shared in the course kick off.
As a principle, if students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can present their competence via a demonstration. The demonstration must be agreed with the course teacher. More information and instructions for recognizing and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at Look at "Instructions to students (master)"
Mirka Sunimento
31 - 50
See assignments.
ATBUM Degree Programme in Aviation and Tourism Business, LEBUM Degree Programme in Leading Business Transformation, HOSBUM Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business
0.00 cr
0.00 cr