The course is designed for students who have successfully completed Chinese for Beginner 1 coursework and have mastered the basic conversational skills required at a basic level. The student will not only be provided with further opportunities to practice simple conversations on familiar topics, but they will also be expected to create their own conversations based on a given situation. In addition, they will be exposed to some basic and simple Chinese characters and to the basic structural characteristics of Chinese characters. Chinese writing will be introduced at this level, too. Meanwhile, major aspects of Chinese customs and culture will be introduced in order to enrich the students’ experience in Chinese language learning.
A student will learn the vocabularies and expression on the following topics:
• telling the time, hobbies and everyday routines
• telling about one's family
• basic language skills in a tee house, café, bar, restaurant, shop, etc.
• basic language skills in traveling situations such as buying train and plane tickets, asking for directions, etc.
• different kinds of question sentences and their answers
• culture elements will be introduced during the contact hours
Toteutustavat, näyttö ja opinnollistaminen
Learning methods
The learning goals of this module can be reached in the following ways:
• Interactive classroom activities
• Individual and pair work
• Internet learning
Assessing one´s own learning is a compulsory part of the module.
Alternative ways to complete the course
Not attending the contact hours but doing the assignments and taking the final exam.
Recognition of prior learning
A student can demonstrate his or her equivalent language skills relating to the course objectives and content. This must be agreed upon with the teacher no later than two weeks before the course begins. Each student may attempt this only once in the period prior to the giving of the course. Evaluation is on a scale of 1-5.
Course materials
- Hai Guo & YLE 2009: BBC Real Chinese/Kiinaa matkailijoille (Lesson 5-10)
• Gu Feng 2009: Mandarin Teaching Toolbox, Volume 1, Confucius Institute at BCIT
- Additional materials will be distributed during contact hours.
ps: All the materials will be given to the students either in class or via Moodle. A student does not need to purchase or borrow any books for the course.
Contact hours once a week starting at 16 o´clock + internet teaching via Moodle
Lähtötaso ja sidonnaisuudet muihin opintojaksoihin
Starting level: A1.1
Chinese for Beginners 1, or one semester of beginning level Chinese
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 1
The module is evaluated on a scale excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), satisfactory (2), fair (1), fail (0). The assessment criteria is presented on a scale 1 - 3 - 5.
1 satisfactory
The student:
• has limited capability to understand simple oral and written messages and transmit them to the recipient. Speaking and writing skills are passable as far as constructions and/or pronunciation is concerned.
• is able to recognize simple constructions and frequently used expressions in different situations.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 3
The student:
• is often able to understand simple oral and written messages and transmit them to the recipient. Speaking and writing skills are good as far as constructions and/or pronunciation is concerned.
• has readiness to apply the learned skills in practice on simple constructions in new situations.
Arviointikriteeri - arvosana 5
The student:
• is able to understand simple oral and written messages and transmit them successfully to the recipient. Speaking and writing skills are excellent as far as constructions and/or pronunciation is concerned.
• knows how to apply the learned skills in practice on simple constructions in new situations.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Assessment criteria (H-5)
Final exam 80%, internet assignments 20%