No upcoming implementations yet.
No ongoing implementations yet.
- Virtually instructed
- Optional online teaching sessions at 8:00-9:30 on Wednesdays
- Recorded videos of the online teaching will be available after the sessions, allowing the student to learn at his/her own pace.
Multimedian materials in Moodle
Porvoo Campus
In this course, there won’t be a traditional exam. Instead, three main final assignments will serve as the exam.
15.01.2024 - 15.03.2024
- Weekly assignments for the sessions - The final "exam assignments"
02.01.2024 - 12.01.2024
Hai Guo
30 - 100
Grading criteria
1. The student has a basic knowledge of the language and culture, as well as the Chinese-speaking market. They are able to read and understand a few basic sentences. The student has only a limited understanding of the business culture and the market contexts.
3. The student is familiar with the language and culture, as well as the Chinese-speaking market. The student is able to produce a few basic sentences. The student has an idea of the business culture and the market contexts.
5. The student has a comprehensive understanding of the Chinese-language context and is able to discuss the market and culture in English. They are able to communicate in a few basic situations in the Chinese-language and relate to the culture when dealing with locals. The student is knowledgeable in the business culture and the market contexts.
TRALI Tradenomi liiketalous
0.00 cr
5.00 cr