Key concepts of branding
Branding in the digital age
Branding in B2B market
Branding as a strategic tool
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Contact lessons and workshops
Individual assignments
Group work
Independent studies
Guest lectures and company visits
The assessment of one’s own learning 1 h
If a student has passed a similar course or has proven working experience from branding activities in an organization, the student can pass the course by providing a demonstration of the gained competence.
Learning materials
Aaker, D. and Joachimsthaler, E. 2002. Brand Leadership. New York: The Free Press.
Gad, T. 2001. 4-D Branding. Cracking the corporate code of the network economy. London: Financial Times. Prentice Hall.
Keller, K. L. 2008. Strategic Brand Management: a European perspective. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Knapp, D. 2000. The Brand Mindset. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kunde, J. 2000. Corporate Religion: building a strong company through personality and corporate soul. London: Prentice Hall.
Kim, W. Chan & Mauborgne, Renée (2005): Blue ocean strategy: how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
Saunders, M; P.Lewis and A.Thornhill (2007) “Research Methods for Business
Students. Fourth Edition. Prentice Hall
More literature will be specified in implementation plan.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The student has passed most of the compulsory courses.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student has gained some understanding of brand management and has been able to give some advice how the brand image of a commissioner could be enhanced. The student has contributed to the knowledge created in class only in a limited way.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student has gained a good understanding of brand management and has been able to give good advice on how the brand image of a commissioner could be enhanced. The student has contributed to the knowledge created in class actively.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student has gained an excellent understanding of brand management and has been able to prepare a concrete plan for how the brand of a commissioner could be enhanced. The student has contributed to the knowledge created in class only in an outstanding way.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Active participation in classes, group work and workshops (80 % attendance required).
Final report for assigned commissioner (60 %).
Individual assignments (30 %).
Self and peer assessment (10 %)