Upon completion of the course, the student is able to
• analyse current global trends and factors that affect and define future consumer behaviour (part 1)
• identify potential target markets and analyse the characteristics of the chosen target group (part 1)
• apply professional tools for analysis of the operational environment and competition (part 2)
• innovate compelling experiences (part 3)
• understand the importance of engagement and storytelling in creating immersive experiences (part 3, part 4)
• use professional tools for creating engaging content and staging digital experiences (part 4, part 5)
• design and create a digital experience that has shareable content and the potential to go viral (part 4, part 5)
• describe the different stages of product development process (part 5)
• choose relevant marketing channels for the digital experience (part 5)
• produce a product description and a marketing plan (part 5)
Part 1
Consumer behavior and trends
Target market
Part 2
Operational environment (incl. PESTEL analysis)
Part 3
Experience Economy and elements of experiences
Part 4
Digital tools for creating experiences
Part 5
Digital experience development process
Product description
Marketing plan
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
a) This is a virtual course with no contact hours. Independent study in network environment. Feedback provided for parts 1-5. Assessment of one's own learning.
b) Learning by using the work-based learning method "Work&Study" according to a plan that shows how the learning goals of the course can be obtained through the student's work or hobby. More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
c) Demonstration (of earlier skills and knowledge in the course content). More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
Learning materials
Alexander, B. 2011. New digital storytelling. Creating narratives with new media.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1990. Flow: The psychology of optimal experience.
Gioglio, J. & Walter, E. 2014. Power of visual storytelling. How to use visuals, videos and social media to market your brand.
Grönroos, C. 2007. Service management and marketing.
Jensen, R. 1999. Dream society.
Heath, C. & Heath, D. 2008. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.
Page, S.J. 2009. Tourism management: managing for change.
Pine, J. & Gilmore, J. 2011. The experience economy.
Pine, J. & Korn, K. 2011. Infinite possibility – creating customer value on the digital frontier.
Smith, P.R. & Chaffey, D. 2013. eMarketing Excellence – the Heart of eBusiness.
Swarbrooke, J. & Horner, S. 2016. Consumer behaviour in tourism.
Trade journals and magazines, studies by international organisations (e.g. OECD, UNWTO, WTTC, WEF) and other electronic sources.
Further information
This is a virtual course in the Moodle platform.
Annika Konttinen (annika.konttinen@haaga-helia.fi)
Anu Seppänen (anu.seppanen@haaga-helia.fi)
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The student has successfully completed the Basic Studies. The module is a part of the advanced studies in Porvoo Campus competence-based curriculum. The module advances the following competences: analytical thinking, professional expertise and innovation, global mindset, creativity and future orientation, design thinking, enabling digitalisation and savvy use of digital tools.
The module promotes the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 4 (Quality Education), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption).
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student is aware of current global trends and factors that affect and define future consumer behaviour. (S)he can identify potential target markets and analyse the characteristics of the chosen target group to a limited degree. The student finds it challenging to apply professional tools for analysis of the operational environment and competition. S(he) has basic understanding of the importance of engagement and storytelling in creating experiences. The student needs help in using tools for creating content and staging digital experiences. S(he) has basic skills in creating a digital experience. The student understands some of the stages of a product development process. S(he) is able to choose a marketing channel for the digital experience. The student has challenges to produce a product description and a marketing plan. S(he) takes part in the module activities with a minimal input. The student acknowledges source material with major omissions and the use of sources is very limited overall. Report is poorly structured.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student understands current global trends and factors that affect and define future consumer behaviour. (S)he can identify potential target markets and analyse the characteristics of the chosen target group rather well. The student is able to apply professional tools for analysis of the operational environment and competition. S(he) knows how to innovate experiences and has a rather good understanding of the importance of engagement and storytelling in creating experiences. The student is able to choose and use professional tools for creating engaging content and staging digital experiences. S(he) can create a digital experience that has shareable content. The student understands the different stages of product development process. S(he) is able to choose marketing channels for the digital experience. The student is able to produce a product description and a marketing plan. S(he) takes actively part in the module activities. In the report, the student acknowledges source material for the most part and several sources are used. Report structure is logical and the reader can follow the line of thought.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student is able to analyse current global trends and factors that affect and define future consumer behaviour. (S)he can identify potential target markets and analyse the characteristics of the chosen target group exceptionally well. The student is able to apply professional tools for analysis of the operational environment and competition on a high level. S(he) knows how to innovate compelling experiences and has an excellent understanding of the importance of engagement and storytelling in creating immersive experiences. The student is able to assess, choose and use professional tools for creating engaging content and staging digital experiences. S(he) can create a digital experience that has shareable content and the potential to go viral. The student applies a theoretical model to the different stages of her own product development process. S(he) is able to choose relevant marketing channels for the digital experience. The student is able to produce a product description and a marketing plan on a professional level. S(he) takes proactively part in the module activities and show great initiative to learn about the topic. In the report, the student acknowledges all source material correctly and uses versatile sources in a skillful manner with discourse between sources. Report structure, figures and tables facilitate understanding very well.