Global Opportunities for Small and Medium Sized Companies 2, 5 cr - BUS3PO312
Course unit language
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Learning objectives
The module advances the following competences: recognizing international opportunities, analysing foreign markets and applying the acquired knowledge in the decision-making. Moreover, the module advances sales, marketing and communication skills in foreign markets.
Project for a real company, which may be (1) a startup, which is going through a parallel process of product/service and business model development as well as internationalization or (2) a SME with a small established product/service and looking for new markets. The outcome of the project is an analysis of growth potential through new markets and a market entry plan
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
a) Learning with contact teaching including assignments, project work and independent study
b) Learning by using the work-based learning method “Work&Study” according to on a plan if the learning goals of the course can be obtained through the student´s work or hobby. More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
c) Demonstration (of earlier skills and knowledge in the course content). More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
Assessment of one´s own learning is a compulsory part of each course.
Learning materials
Books on the content topics
E-books and online articles
Online tutorials
Companies’ web-portals
Relevant media, news agencies, quality press, etc.
Social networking tools
Exercises, tests
Instructors’ own materials, materials produced by students.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The module is a part of advanced studies in Porvoo Campus competence-based curriculum.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student finds it challenging to recognize international opportunities. S/he is able to conduct market research and collect data related to foreign markets only when aided by others. S/he has a limited ability to acquire knowledge of foreign markets. The student is able to utilize networks and communicate with foreign markets only when the task and instructions are given and when aided by other students and the supervisors.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student recognizes international opportunities. S/he is able to conduct market research and collect data to gain a good level of understanding of how to analyse foreign markets. S/he is able to acquire knowledge of foreign markets to some extent. S/he partly applies the knowledge to decision-making. S/he shows some initiative to connect and utilize networks abroad. S/he shows ability to communicate when the task and instructions are given.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student recognizes international opportunities excellently. S/he is able to conduct relevant market research and collect data to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to analyse foreign markets. S/he is able to acquire knowledge of foreign markets and apply it in suggesting and recommending a market entry mode. S/he has an innovative approach to connect and utilize networks abroad. S/he shows ability to communicate successfully in the foreign markets.