Business Operations in Tourism 2, 5 cr - BUS2RG202
Course unit language
Upcoming implementations
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Current implementations
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Past implementations
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Learning objectives
The module is a part of basic studies in Porvoo Campus competence-based curriculum and advances the following competences: understanding profitability, basics of the business travel processes and operations of organisations including re-organizing and outsourcing the business, entrepreneurial and business mindset, ability to analyse the processes and use of needed digital tools. There are also other parallel implementations of this module with the same objectives yet with a different industry specific focus.
• Business processes
• Operators and networks of business travel industry
• Technological systems used in the industry
• Business calculations and estimations of profitability
• Pricing
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
Project Work
Contact lessons
Individual, pair and team assignments
Independent studies
The assessment of one’s own learning
If students have acquired the required competence in previous work tasks, recreational activities or on another course, they can show the competence with a demonstration and progress faster through their studies. More information and instructions for recognising and validating prior learning (RPL) are available at MyNet. More detailed instructions for teachers on the intranet: Työkalut -> AHOT -> AHOT-ohjeistus (Tools -> RPL -> RPL instructions).
Learning materials
Books on the content topics
E-books and online articles
Online tutorials
Companies’ web-portals
Industry related reports and statistics
Relevant media, news agencies, quality press, etc.
Social networking tools
Instructors’ own materials, materials produced by students.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The student has successfully completed the Business Operations in Tourism 1. The course is part of the Professional Studies module.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
He/she can explain basics of the business travel processes, operators and networks of business travel industry and technological systems used in the industry. Students needs a lot of help and support with his/her studies and shows poor orientation as required by completing the course.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
He/she has good skills to explain basics of the business travel processes, operators and networks of business travel industry and technological systems used in the industry. The student can work in a responsible way and is able to analyze the processes and follow given directions.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
He/she has professionally advanced skills to explain basics of the business travel processes, operators and networks of business travel industry and technological systems used in the industry. The student can work independently and successfully in developing new business ideas. The student has an analytic approach and he/she aims for profitable business procedures in all actions.
Passed courses are assessed on a scale of 1 to 5. The assessment criteria are presented for grades 1 - 3 - 5.