Business Operations in Tourism 1, 5 cr - BUS2RG201
Course unit language
Upcoming implementations
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Current implementations
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Past implementations
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Learning objectives
Learning objectives
Upon completion of the course, the student
• is able to understand different Amadeus solutions
• can use Amadeus reservation technology for basic flight, hotel and car reservations
• is familiar with different user interfaces
• has a basic knowledge of airline terms and air fares
• is able to understand basics of traffic and terms used in the field
He/she has professionally advanced skills to explain basics of the business operations in tourism and is able to use electronic tools independently.
Information systems
Terminology and vocabulary of the information systems
Business processes
Individual, pair and team assignments
Independent studies
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
a) Learning with contact teaching including assignments, project work, independent study and exams
b) Learning by using the work-based learning method “Work&Study” according to on a plan if the learning goals of the course can be obtained through the student´s work or hobby. More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
c) Demonstration (of earlier skills and knowledge in the course content). More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
Assessment of one´s own learning is a compulsory part of each course.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
He/she can explain basics of the business operations in tourism and use electronic tools and research methods with the help of others. He/she understands the basics of information systems operations. Students needs a lot of help and support with his/her studies and shows poor orientation as required by completing the course.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
He/she has good skills to explain basics of the business operations in tourism and is able to use electronic tools and research methods. The student can work in a responsible way and is able to analyze the processes and follow given directions.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
He/she has professionally advanced skills to explain basics of the business operations in tourism and is able to use electronic tools and research methods independently. The student can work independently and successfully in developing new business ideas. The student has an analytic approach and he/she aims for profitable business procedures in all actions.