• knows the content and purpose of strategy
• understands the strategic business development approach
• can apply strategic business development tools for a project
• learns principles and practices of effective teamwork and project management
• Strategy and its foundations
• Strategy frameworks
• Strategic development
• Strategic competences
• Strategic management tools and methods
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
The learning outcomes can be achieved as follows:
a. participation to the weekly lectures and workshops
b. participation to the strategic business development project (incl. teamwork)
Learning materials
Handout material given by the lecturers during the course, i.e. articles, white papers, case studies etc.
Minzberg H. - Ahlstrand B. - Lampel J, 1998. Strategy Safari. Prentice Hall.
W. Chan Kim - Renee Mauborgne. 2005. Blue Ocean Strategy.
Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010. Business Model Generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
No prerequisites.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
Grade 1:
The student:
• has limited knowledge about different strategy frameworks
• has limited understanding of strategic business development approach
• has limited skills in applying strategic business development tools for assignments
• has limited skills in teamwork and conducting assignments
Assessment criteria - grade 3
Grade 3:
The student:
• has good knowledge about different strategy frameworks
• has good understanding of strategic business development approach
• has good skills in applying strategic business development tools for assignments
• has good attitude and skills towards learning through participation in teamwork and conducting assignments
Assessment criteria - grade 5
Grade 5:
The student:
• has excellent knowledge about different strategy frameworks
• has excellent understanding of strategic business development approach
• has excellent skills in applying various business development tools for assignments
• has excellent attitude and skills towards learning through continuous, supportive and initiative participation in teamwork and conducting assignments