The module advances the following competences: e.g., communication, cultural awareness, customer understanding and global business mindset.
Consumer behaviour of Asian markets
Product and service development for Asian markets
Sales and marketing communication methods and channels for Asian markets
Implementation methods, Demonstration and Work&Study
a) Learning with contact teaching, including:
Inquiry learning
Peer learning
Project work
Individual assignments
Team assignments
Possible company visits and guest lecturers
Assessment of one's own learning
b) Learning by using the work-based learning method "Work&Study" according to a plan that shows how the learning goals of the course can be obtained through the student's work or hobby. More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
c) Demonstration (of earlier skills and knowledge in the course content). More information from responsible teachers or academic advisors.
Learning materials
Books on the content topics
E-books and online articles
Online tutorials
Companies’ web-portals
Relevant media, news agencies, quality press, etc.
Social networking tools
Instructors’ own materials, materials produced by students.
Further information
Teachers: Annika Konttinen, Niina Moilanen
The assessment is based on activities and deliverables:
Classroom activities
Individual assignments
Final deliverables
Peer assessment
The self-assessment of one's own learning does not influence the module grade. The self-assessment and students’ feedback to the module will be used for the module development. The feedback is collected via an electronic form.
Starting level and linkage with other courses
The module is a part of the professional studies in Porvoo Campus competence-based curriculum. The module can be taken as 5cr+5cr module. The first part (5 cr) gives an overall understanding of the Asian markets and business culture, the second part (5 cr) part consists of product planning and marketing for the Asian markets.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria - grade 1
The student is aware of the consumer behaviour of selected Asian markets. S/he has challenges with communicating and networking with stakeholders in Asia. The student is able to assess and develop products and services as well as to choose marketing communication methods for Asian markets only when aided by others. The student’s activity and participation are minimal. The student is able to operate only when the task and instructions are given and when aided by other students and supervisors.
Assessment criteria - grade 3
The student understands the consumer behaviour of selected Asian markets to some degree. S/he is able to communicate and network with stakeholders in Asia. The student has some ability to assess and develop products and services as well as to choose marketing communication methods for Asian markets. The student’s activity and participation are rather good. The student is able to operate when the task and instructions are given.
Assessment criteria - grade 5
The student understands the consumer behaviour of selected Asian markets. S/he is able to communicate and network on a professional level with stakeholders in Asia. The student is able to assess and develop products and services as well as to choose the most effective marketing communication methods for Asian markets. The student’s activity and participation are excellent. The student displays a culturally aware business-oriented approach towards Asia and is able to lead teamwork.